Sunday, October 28, 2018

Former Obama Activist: "Run Away" To Trump!


  1. Oh boy. Another person wearing inflammatory clothing to incite some wacko Republican to go out and try to kill more Democrats.

    You have stickers on your car, don't you, Lynn? "Greatest President Ever!" I bet with Hillary in the crosshairs. You're going to be the next we read about in the news. You still have people punching others and bullets in the sidebar. You need to be reported as a danger to the community before someone gets hurt.

  2. Another stupid comment from anonymous at 5:41.
    I think it is Democrats and the groups they support that are out there actually hurting people.
    Report me for an opinion?Ssounds exactly what a loser would suggest.

  3. 5:41pm I hope you're being watched for bad actions.

  4. 5:41 suffers from Trump derangement syndrome. He or she will need to be institutionalized after the midterms.
