Sunday, September 30, 2018

Who is the real Blasey-Ford?

Is it this one demonstrating and the only one wearing her pink anti-Trump hat with a weapon in her hands having much confidence or is it the demure shrinking violet who took the witness stand against the judge pulling off her Academy Award performance.


  1. There's also photos of her waving a sign that says "Not My President" and another one that shows her as pro-ISIS and another one of her posing with Soros, Clinton and Harvey Weinstein and another one of her in a Superwomen costume saying that she's going to save the world.

    Lotsa photos out there, Lynn. Let's get to work.

    Lake Worth's Fake News Queen! You give old people a bad name.

  2. Thanks for notifying everyone about what a dirtbag Ford is, but then we knew that immediately.

  3. That's not a weapon,It's an enlarged IUD.(Look up IUD if you don't know what it is). A woman so traumatized by an alleged sexual assault that she is able to parade around in public with a device used to prevent pregnancy? Sex comes into the picture by the very nature of this device.She doesn't seem terrified,right????

  4. Since these girls know about the IUD they don't need abortion, or is it all about selling baby parts.
