Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kevin Jackson fired at Fox

"Lying skanks" came after Kavanaugh

Feminists (male haters) are giving all women a bad name. Here's a guy telling it like he believes it to be (free speech), but just was terminated by Fox, a network becoming more and more tolerant of the liberal left ever since daddy departed.


  1. He also said that Ford’s “academic problems came from her PROMISCUITY!” He also told her to “stop opening your legs and OPEN A BOOK!”

    And who is "daddy?"

  2. I think there is some common denominator present in these women, but I don't know what it is. I'm sure some of them, are just led around by the nose, but the others; the hard core; something definitely missing in there genetic make-up. I'd love someone to do a study on this, but then, maybe they have, and are afraid to publish it.

  3. Going out with "the girls" I didn't drink to oblivion and was aware of my surroundings in general. The next day they remembered nothing of their one night stands. That's how they rolled until they trapped some guy.

  4. Rupert Murdoch is still there. Roger Ailes left then took a dirt nap.

    You don't even know who you're talking about, lady. Wow.

  5. @4:52...Lachlan and James are running the show. Daddy, of course, is still there but these liberals and their wives are changing FOX for the worse I might add.
    So, do a little research before you use trash talk on this blog. Wow, yourself.

  6. The common denominator is Trump Derangement syndrome. They want Hillary,open borders to bring more friends with benefits and unlimited abortion because they're too good to prepare for sex (besides they have to be drunk to do it.
