Thursday, September 6, 2018

What the resistance really looks like

All so phony; all such bull--

A protester from Judge Kavanaugh's hearing. One of the 70 who was arrested, I presume.

Read about it...


  1. And what makes you think that these aren’t Republican operatives attempting distract from the joke of a confirmation hearing and provide fodder for trump’s rants against the dems? ProLife protesters are almost always paid, no-borders protest groups have been paid with GOP money, and even so called counter protests were staged by GOP to rile the likes of you. Don’t be so gullible. Koch money goes far and wide.

  2. that is the absolute best BS of the day.

  3. Yeah,and Hillary was actually a republican operative paving the way for Trump! Lay off the weed,9:00

  4. That’s politics for ya, Koch Bros, Saros, Bill Gates, etc , nothing shocking here they all do it.
