Thursday, September 6, 2018

Alex Jones P*ssed off

He may be a nut on some issues but he's right on regarding this and what these big tech companies are doing to conservative free speech--blaming them for his content removal from multiple social media platforms.


  1. They removed his speech. Not conservative speech. He isn’t conservative. He yells fire in a crowd and then claims it to be performance art. He’s a whacka doo that some find entertaining and others tend to believe. Private companies aren’t required to give him space. Against their religious rights - no cake for infowars. Bye bye Jonesy.

  2. Marco Rubio made an ass of himself pretending not to recognize Jones instead of standing up and supporting Jones and the rest of the Conservatives that have been banned by the Media Giants.I guess the ultimate insult in Rubio's mind is that MARCO RUBIO DOESN"T KNOW WHO YOU ARE !

  3. @10:44--Rubio handled it all very well. Alex Jones was a rude SOB. That's what you do to gnats...swat them quickly or ignore them.

  4. Rubio did not "handle it well". Jones has millions of followers and has been silenced because he is a conservative. Rubio never seems to stand with conservatives (he made sure that E-verify never made it to the floor of the Florida legislature).Acting like he didn't know who Jones was just made Rubio look stupid.Rubio had a chance to make a great point about what is happening to Conservative speech. Rubio blew it.Trump was right when he called him "little Marco".

  5. I hate to take up Hitler's cause Lanny, but he was right on some issues. Do you know anything about the Versailles Treaty? Back to Jones: Anybody who takes the side of a monster who would even suggest that the tragedy at Sandy Hook in Connecticut was faked, is a dangerous lunatic. Rubio, handled the situation with aplomb.
