Monday, September 24, 2018

Republican was victorious in Texas in a Democratic stronghold

A Republican candidate won a shocking victory Tuesday in Texas, capturing a state Senate seat that has been held by Democrats for 139 years -- and fizzling out Democrats’ “blue wave” aspirations to flip the Lone Star State. [Hollywood Conservative]

Avatar SD of AZ said: "When you tick off the entire country by more than half the population for a number of years, those deplorables tend to remember and vote regularly and not for the dem wits who pissed them off in the first place starting in 2008 with Bozo and his fundamental destruction agenda. Bring him back in 2018 to campaign for you on the still same destructive agenda and you loose even more. Like 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 dem wits and Bozo and Soros are going to lose some more."

He goes on to say, "We do hate your guts and we don't wear disgusting vagina hats, sit in congress at a judges interview and behave like screech owls and scare children or encourage our members to attack you worthless politicians or even possibly kill them. We just vote, and vote, and vote."


  1. "We do hate your guts"


  2. @11:48--just a voter's viewpoint. Millions agree.

  3. Uhh yeah. We do hate your guts.Get used to it. The new rules-We win. You lose.And come the mid terms-be prepared to get your lib ass handed to you.You Libs poked the Bear one too many times.

  4. 11:48am agreed, it's common sense to hate the haters. Nice.
