Monday, September 24, 2018

Blasey-Ford, The Wild Story Teller

ALL four witnesses Christine Ford has named now deny her story and deny that the party ever took place, declaring Ford is wrong, i.e., LYING!

Read about the Liar Extraordinaire..., the number one prevaricator.


  1. There's 2 more, Lynn.

    Another one came forward last night and Michael Avenatti is representing another one.

    When you have your head buried in "conservative news" you miss some things.

  2. Didn't miss it--trying to ignore all the Democratic crap.

  3. Wow. Michael Avenatti, whore lawyer what a stellar source.

  4. One lying crap hole smear job falling apart so they knew they had to find some more lying pieces of $hit. The stories don't have to be true. The process just needs to be stopped!

  5. There could be 100 more 9:10; that doesn't give any more credence to their stories. This is what comes of watching too many reality shows. The lines between fact and fiction are blurred.

    I'm now convinced, you should have to take a comprehensive history examination to be eligible to vote.

  6. Soon no one will believe legitimate victims of real crimes thanks to these drunk, whining liars.
