Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lee Antieau is turning 100 Years old

Help celebrate Lee's birthday tonight at City Hall--5:30--cake--Meet this wonderful lady


WHEREAS, Lee Antieau was born on September 28, 1918 to Everett and Della Green in Blue Hill, Maine; and

WHEREAS, Lee Antieau’s family moved to Bar Harbor, Maine, after she was five years of age; and

WHEREAS, Lee Antieau graduated high school in 1937 and then started her trek South, she got a job in Hollywood Beach Hotel in Florida, later traveled North and stopped in Lake Worth, Florida in 1942, where she bought her first home; and

WHEREAS, Lee Antieau remembers that when she came to Lake Worth, there was no bridge to go over the Intracoastal waters, therefore, she had to take a raft to get to the Lake Worth Casino; and

WHEREAS, Lee Antieau got a job at Pratt & Whitney, later retired and enrolled in bowling tournaments and traveled the country for competition and retired after a few years after traveling the country; and

WHEREAS, Lee met Gary Antieau, a native of Key West who was living in Fort Lauderdale, in 1979, and have enjoyed life together ever since; and

WHEREAS, Lee and Gary have seven children, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren and enjoy having the company and love of so many around them; and

WHEREAS, Lee loves that she is allowed her freedom and can stay in her house here in beautiful Lake Worth, Florida.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, PAM TRIOLO, Mayor of the City of Lake Worth, Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby congratulate LEE ANTIEAU ON HER 100TH BIRTHDAY
SEPTEMBER 28, 2018

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Lake Worth, Florida, to be affixed this 25th day of September, 2018.

Pam Triolo, Mayor


Deborah M. Andrea, City Clerk

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday lee guess age does mellow people although never heard her talk like some of your posters.like she says grow up and smell the ROSES!!!!
