Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blasey-Ford donned version of "pussy" hat

A Pink Pussy Hat and a Lifelong Grudge: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Unmasked

"Surprised? Not in the slightest. Except maybe that radical leftists continue to believe that these kinds of personal smear tactics are effective strategy that doesn’t make them appear desperate and stupid in ways we already know them to be.

Case in point, Christine Blasey-Ford. A leftist political activist and tactician posing as a wronged woman emerging spontaneously to loft criminal allegation against a conservative Supreme Court nominee. How original, Anita Hill." [Shad Olsen show]

Read about it...


  1. Trump was laughed at today at the U.N. by the world. The world is laughing at the freak show the White House has become and his freaks who call themselves Americans.

  2. This is the photo of Dr Fraud that the media SHOULD show each time her lies are mentioned, which is too much.

  3. They all have that same empty-headed look.

  4. I watched the entire speech. He was not laughed "at." That's how the fake news horrible media slanted it. They were laughing in agreement with him. and he even got a chuckle out of it. He had a great speech today and at the end of it, the entire chamber clapped...probably even the Iranians.

  5. Our president was excellent in front of the moochers UN. They do not represent the world. The "news" spun it their way as usual.

  6. "Laughing in agreement with him" and that's why he said, "That's not the reaction he expected" after they laughed at him.

    Trump's a stupid punk. The world knows it and they laugh at him just like America laughs at Trumpsters making excuses for their punk. We're laughing at you, Lynn, even as you walk past us in the parking lot or at the table. You're Lake Worth's biggest joke that has no idea the people she's entertaining.

  7. Is it just me or does "Dr" Ford look drunk in this photo?

  8. Thank God we'll stop hearing from her and about her after Thursday's hearing.

    She doesn't know when the alleged event happened, where it happened, or who was there except that she can accuse Judge Cavanaugh of having been there.

    His diary from that year show he was out of the area on vacation with his parents.

    Lynn gives us reasonable and conservative news that counters the fake news his supporters are deluged with daily.

    9.59 is drunk on MSM Kool aid.

  9. @7:22--I know a James Crum...he is a Republican. So whoever wrote this is pulling a leg or two.
