Friday, September 14, 2018

Lake Worth Bans future Medical Marijuana dispensaries

Lake Worth bans future medical marijuana dispensaries

In spite of three residents speaking FOR more dispensaries within the city, the top arguments against this were from Mayor Pam Triolo and Commissioner Scott Maxwell.

The most compelling argument of the night was from Commissioner Scott Maxwell. Go to about 1 hour and 18 minutes into the video to see what he said.

Once again, commissioner Omari Hardy was the lone dissenting vote on this Second Public Hearing.


  1. Why would anyone believe that we need more of this? For God's sake, if you can't get downtown then they will deliver. Sort of like we need more sober homes.

  2. There are many folks in our city who smoke dope. We already know that there are a lot of addicts. Marijuana is a gateway drug whether or not those advocating for pot believe it or will admit it or not.

    But this ordinance is for medical marijuana only. I have always said, two facilities is more than enough. If it helps pain and it is prescribed by a doctor, that is a good thing.

  3. Its a good thing til the addicts find their way around it and the robo signers open shop.

  4. This is the start of opening up general marijuana use...count on it.

  5. LOL! Failed sales real estate assistant. LOL! Business minded.
