Friday, September 14, 2018

Deep State, alive and strong in the Muddy Swamp

How Deep is the Deep State?

It is so damn deep in that muddy swamp that it would take a lifetime to drain it unless Trump fires every single person who ever worked for the last administration. That would be an impossibility.

Corrupt politicians want to hang on to the status quo and have conspired against our President from inception. The Democrats now can't use their lie that the Deep State is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by Republicans--it is all now out in the open. And now we learn that the seditious scumbag, John Kerry, Obama's Secretary of State, has been meeting with Iran for months.

"Iran may have received an additional $33.6 billion in secret cash and gold payments facilitated by the Obama administration between 2014 and 2016." [FreeBeacon] Obama gave Iran $150 BILLION and some say it was to go after Israel. Why our Jewish friends still protect Obama or Hillary is a complete mystery. And why anyone remains a Democrat is even more mysterious.

Read about it...

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