Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford going out in a Blaze

"They're clearly done with Christine Ford. Ms. Ford's story, which began unraveling almost as quickly as she appeared, has now completely fallen apart. As if her frequent alterations to the original narrative wasn't enough, the statements by key witnesses flatly denying her hazy recollections were serious broadsides.

She certainly didn't do herself any favors by developing the world's most convenient case of stage fright. After two months of prep with people like the minions of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D- Chinese State Security) issuing a list of ridiculous "demands" and developing a sudden case of aviophobia are the equivalent of claiming she left the proof on the bus. Add to that the Democratic shift to suggesting her veracity is irrelevant, and it's clear that she's headed for the lecture circuit.

Ford will end up moldering in the same remainder bin in which Cindy Sheehan and Sandra Fluke have been consigned by Democrats who had no further use for them. Hope the book deal was worth it, Ms. Ford. If I could offer a tip on the title: The Girl Who Cried Wolf is hackneyed, but fair." [Personal Liberty]

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