Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blasey-Ford may not Testify

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Indicates She May Not Testify After All

Read about it... and the woman who is making a farce out of everything she touches, destroying a life of a fine judge, his wife and children all for unprovable allegations.  She now has refused to give her testimony under oath which makes any testimony a total waste of time.How much has this charade cost the American taxpayers? What is the price to Judge Kavanaugh and his family?

Stop the farce and seat Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.


  1. God help you, Lynn. Bashing victims of sexual abuse. Trashing kids who survived a mass shooting at their school. Maligning a former POW while he was dying of brain cancer.

    All of these will be addressed when you depart this earthly existence. Hopefully, those who sit in judgment will understand your serious missteps and chalk it up to your humanness. Ask for forgiveness, Lynn, and change your ways soon. Your Day of Judgment will be here before you know it. '

    Where and with whom do you want to spend Eternity?

  2. CNN has tried and convicted him without a crime. Compared him to Cosby who actually was tried and convicted. The "expert" said it wasn't fair to convict Cosby, played the race card.

  3. @11:09--
    God should help me? Don't think God would take the side of liars and those willingly ruining people's lives through their disgusting prevarications and deeds, dying or not dying, in a school tragedy or in a totally different building when it happened and allowed to be used by left-wing ideologues, etc., etc., etc. Besides, didn't know you even believed in God.

  4. 11:09 the air is so thin on your high moral ground that you can't think. I don't see any victim of sexual abuse here and if you do, God help YOU, you're poisoned by Soros.
