Monday, August 20, 2018

Hezbollah is ready to rumble if America wants a fight

Iranian-backed “sleeper cells” are in the United States and waiting for the word to attack

The sleeper agents enter America by posing as immigrants who develop legitimate businesses that are a front for their other activities. [en volve]

The number of Muslim refugees admitted to the United States in the first half of fiscal 2018 has dropped from the previous year more than any other religious group, falling to nearly 1,800 compared with the roughly 22,900 admitted in all of fiscal 2017, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. State Department data.

Read about it... and terrorists ready to wage jihad. Democrats would call this Islamophobia.

Obama himself conceded his Iran Deal would work at least partly to the advantage of Hezbollah, "which need not be such a bad thing, Secretary of State John Kerry opined, since Hezbollah is not plotting against us.” [the Daily Beast]

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