Monday, August 20, 2018

Deveaux files protest - Discrimination he claims

Dev-Land Demolitions and Site, Inc, with president Carl Deveaux, has filed a protest against the intent to award the Debris Removal and Hauloff Emergency Services to some company other than his.

Dev-Land cited "discrimination" in the scoring of its proposal but failed to allege any specific or sufficient grounds for the City to eliminate or disqualify any respondent.

Thirteen companies responded to the RFP (Dev-Land was ranked #12) that was narrowed down to four companies. Dev-Land was not among the four.

Back in 2011, the City of Lake Worth got into trouble with the court. Two Lake Worth employees - an attorney and a code enforcement secretary - were placed on administrative leave after a Palm Beach County circuit judge blasted the city for lying to the court in an attempt to foreclose on land owned by the Deveaux brothers, Ed and Carl, two longtime business owners. Bogus and fraudulent documents had been filed against the Deveaux's.


  1. Lake Worth is a corrupt cesspool. And the citizens deserve every day of this crap! You people were too lazy to get out and vote so these A-holes are spending money they don't even have like drunken sailors.

  2. Haven't seen those two around in a long time.

  3. My memory is a bit fuzzy on the details, but didn't these cause us to have a FEMA issue? After Wilma, I think.
