Friday, August 17, 2018

Brennan - National Security Risk

Intel Official: Trump Did The Right Thing With John Brennan

Everyone knows that! And they understand his blatant abuse of power. This guy with his big mouth is a national security risk. Revocation of his security clearance was inspired by Senator Rand Paul weeks ago. Brennan was dumped for very good reasons.

More revocations are under consideration.

Read the article...


  1. "Everyone knows that."

    On a good day, Lynn, you represent maybe 20% of Americans. The other 80% recognize this as an abuse of power and an authoritarian attempt to stifle criticism.

    It won't shut him or others up. In fact, patriots, people who served their country in the military (unlike Trump), are lining up and asking Trump to take their clearance, too, in support of Brennan.

    I've served my country. Lynn. What did you do in your lifetime serve America?

  2. We knew our president did the right thing when MSLSD jumped on the first interview with Brennan. The media is aiding Trumps high approval rating.

  3. are out of touch and out of tune.
    One former general says he wants his security clearance revoked. I say--do it!
    In no way does this impede his or anyone's freedom of speech. Brennan is louder and more of a jerk than ever.
    Glad you served your country, anonymous. Serving my country does not have to be in military service. It can be a simple thing such as voting every election, obeying the laws of our country, honoring our public safety officers and being on the right side of politics. Did women even join the military 50 years ago? If they did, they were pencil pushers or nurses or something like that. It was very controversial for women back then to be in any branch of our armed forces.
    Anything else you want to put me down for today?

  4. Former directors of the intelligence services that have served under the last 3 presidents have signed a letter in support of Brennan and I suspect there will be more who will join to voice their opposition to Trump's actions that can best described as against everything Americans believe in and stand for.

    I didn't put you down, Lynn. I asked you a simple question. The fact that you took it as a put down tells me all I need to know about you and the way you feel towards those who have stood up for America in their public service.

    Patriotism is more than what political party you belong to. It is more than waving or hanging a flag. It is more than shouting "USA." It's about believing in Americans. All Americans. It's about believing in American values and what this great country was built on. It's about defending her from threats from inside and outside. It's about putting country over politics.

    God bless America. And God damn those who threaten her and her institutions of equality and justice for all.

  5. Thanks for the lecture. I bet you don't wave a flag.
    Brennan has already shown his colors.
    Keep defending the indefensible. He can speak out all he wants. He just can't have a security clearance any more. No one in this administration needs his advice on anything.
    Too bad.
    We all believe in America and in Americans. It is you liberals who have a problem with that. Country over politics is exactly what I believe in and therefore it's too bad Brennan got his feelings hurt. It's too bad he can't be thrown in jail for his subversive and political comments. Brennan's comments on the administration are "disgraceful" to the country and he is helping to bring it down and divide further. Now he is monetizing part of his security clearance. Sick. You going along with that is pretty sick too.

  6. Why do the real 20% think that they are the real 80%? Brennan is a turd. Pure and simple. he brings total disgrace to the rest of the intelligence community. Can you imagine a former CIA chief saying outrageous things against Obama?

  7. I will always support those who have served our country. They have a right to express their opinion just like anyone else and any attempt to shut them up is un-American.

    Just for the record, taunting a Vietnam vet POW, a Gold Star family and those who have protected us through their service is a lot worse in my book.

    God bless America.

  8. Attempting to shut anyone up is not cool. Brennan has every opportunity in the world to run his malicious mouth in spite of no security clearance now. I wish the Fake News Media would stop with their BS right along with the Democrats in Congress, Andrew Cuomo, Bill de Blasio, Jerry Brown and some of the RINO's like John McCain.

  9. And one more thing--Mr. Khan's remarks toward the President of the United States were disgusting.

  10. Bravo to those who support the men and women who serve in the military and work to fight terrorism. No matter if I agree with their opinions or not, they are fine Americans who deserve respect from everyone, including the President.

    Imagine if it was okay to hurl insults and hate toward someone simply because we thought differently than each other. Well, I guess we're seeing that world in some circles today and it's shameful.

    Calling people names and bullying people in order to shut them up or censor them is wrong, no matter who does it. Any American knows that. It's as if they believe that people not reading or hearing other views makes them only makes them look like sad, weak and pitiful.

  11. I agree with 3:43. Too bad the Fake News, Democrats and John Brennan don't understand that.

  12. These are strange times when the President disparages Gold Star families, a U.S. Senator and a Viet Nam POW and members of our intelligence services. No matter if they agree with him or not, these people who protect Americans deserve our respect. People who attack their character and service simply because they see things differently are the problem with today's America.

    They say they respect the flag. Great! How about respecting your fellow Americans?

  13. I agree. To a small % of extremists, a Viet Nam POW who spent 5 years being held by the enemy and who is now dying of brain cancer, will be despised because he thinks differently than they do. Same with the parent of a brave soldier who died serving his country.

    That small group of extremists, many who have not served an hour of public service to their country, also beats up on high school kids who have survived a mass shooting because they too think differently on some things.

    These extremists have become the Westboro Baptist Church of the Republican Party.

    I will continue to honor those who have served our Nation, no matter whether I agree or disagree with them. I fly my flag for them.

    We all know what the character of the Westboro Baptist Church members is. And I'll leave it at that.

  14. It's not that he thinks differently and it's not that a small % of extremists don't like him--he should have switched his party to Democrat. We all, as human beings, sympathize with what he is going through with brain cancer. But, wWhat took him past the point of no return with Republicans was when the repeal of the Affordable Care Act came up for a vote. The amendment fell, 51-49, thwarting once again the GOP’s longstanding efforts to deliver on a central campaign promise...thanks to John McCain for his vindictiveness.

    David Hogg deserves every contemptuous comment he can get.

    And I am rather sure you NEVER fly the flag.

    And stop posting under Steve Carr's name.

  15. I am Steve Carr. I'm 75 years old and I did 2 tours in VietNam and I live on Jacksonville Beach. Don't tell me I never fly the flag. I raise it almost every day I can get out and do it. Do you fly a flag? I doubt it. Doesn't sound like you have respect for anyone or anything, including yourself.

  16. Steve, Obviously you don't read my blog very often. Don't bother coming over here and insulting me or my patriotism. It won't work. It is too bad that you are not seeing the evil in John Brennan or the Democratic party of today. Have a good one...tune in to a conservative news site and learn something.

  17. Drain the Swamp. Let's get rid of all those people. Bruce Orr next.
