Thursday, July 19, 2018

Trump Win at Trump-Putin Summit

First Win for Trump-Putin Summit: Agreement to Restrain Iran in Syria

"... in the days leading up to Helsinki, the Trump administration maneuvered to constrain Russia’s options. The U.S. and Israel, exerting both military force in Syria and diplomatic pressure on Moscow, made clear that Putin would not have a free hand there."

Read more about it... and about another scrapped Obama policy.


  1. Lipstick to pig's lips.

    What trump did was treasonous. Aided and gave comfort to our enemy. Putin is not our friend and yes, it is a good idea to talk instead of threaten. But this went WAY beyond the pale.

    Trump should have made Putin wait for two hours after Putin showed up late to the meeting. Trump should have taken the lead in addressing the press. Trump came off as Putin's little bitch.

    Spin it all you want. I am not a Hillary supporter and I think Trump has done some really good things, but was very dismayed by the actions of the leader of the free world toward our historic nemesis.

    I was concerned how Obama cow-towed to the muslim world as well but even he didn't go this far.

    Absolutely disgraceful.

  2. Ya know what's disgraceful? All you Democrats beating this to death...your death. Nothing treasonous about it. John Brennan should STFU. Stop making everything political. This is about negotiating peace with a nuclear power that no past president has been able to do. It's about all the top dogs at the FBI, CIA trying to impede his election. And there is no reason for Trump to keep Putin waiting and be rude. What's the point of that? Putin wants to be treated well and by treating him as a head of state will be felt by him in future meetings with President Trump. Being hostile and accusatory would not have solved anything.
    He certainly did not aid or abet. Negotiations are underway right now in Syria regarding Iran, etc.
