Thursday, July 19, 2018

Commission passes changes to our Land Development Regulations

At Tuesday night's commission meeting, there were twenty items on the consent Agenda. Four of those items were pulled for discussion by Andy Amoroso and moved to New Business.

There was much discussion under Public Hearings and interest in Ordinance 2018-10--which was the Second Reading amending Chapter 23 "Land Development Regulations" including amendments to Section 23.3-6 Use Table

Although this ordinance affects a multitude of changes, only one was basically discussed, that of boats and RV's parked in your front yard. This is the one on which commissioners receive the most complaints. Boaters think they should be able to do whatever they please on their own property and other residents want strict adherence to rules and code compliance.

All over our city there are infractions. Some people obey the rules but there are always, without fail, those who give the finger to their neighbor. They don't bother with permits, don't know better or understand the parameters of storing their boats and recreational vehicles.

None of this should be allowed in our city.

This owner has subsequently moved his boat off the front yard after numerous complaints. The boat was longer than his house and his car was parked on the grass. Now it is up to code and the property looks neat.

This Ordinance was passed on a 4/1 vote, Hardy dissenting.


  1. you see this all over our city. Hope they do something about it.

  2. Other than the boat, this is all on Wright Drive, on one block north of 6th Avenue South. People have turned this street into a commercial district. Disgusting. There are some owners who actually try and keep their property up. Two houses are up for sale.

  3. All of your images depict clear violations of the current ordinance. Commercial rigs, parking on the grass, boat on driveway causing the occupant to park his vehicle in the grass.

    I have had several boats parked in my front yard on my driveway with room to park my cars legally off the street and never had a complaint.

    As long as I'm not affecting my neighbors, I should be able to park my boat so that it is convenient to use on our many waterways. We ARE a waterfront community but we have limited space with tiny setbacks. The variances were always a good idea.

    I agree that people who park on the grass should be ticketed, not get a code case.

  4. You should be able to park your boat, your RV, etc. as long as it can't be seen from the street.

  5. You are right Lynn, some people think they can do whatever they want and do. it is wrong and sad.

    This lady Penelope Dean who teaches yoga here goes on the beach here with her dog everyday although the law says no dogs, she doesn't care and she teaches yoga for the town, but she doesn't care.

    Another red range rover goes and parks in Kreusler park every day, does not pay for parking and brings their dogs on the beach walking right by a big sign that says no dogs on the beach. They don't care.

    It all happens everyday. Some people think they are above the law and can do what ever they damn well please.

    Today so many think it is their right to be above the law! Fed up with it all too!

  6. Yes, you see this all over our city, I agree.

    Today when I went to pay at World Thrift, some guy cut the line in front of me to pay, cheating the system, not thinking I was already in the line to pay and supposed to be in front of him, he didn't care and has NO EDUCATION they just cheat and try to get away with anything they can, as if they are above the law. He is supposedly an adult, but acted like an elementary school bully boy today, cutting the line and it wasn't even a lunch line. This has happened a few times at World Thrift. They are getting lowest of the low low life that go their lately. It seems like many who go there have NONE or next to no education. So sad. Pray for them.

  7. The city looks like hell and so blighted, have any of you gone down any of the alphabet streets lately west of Dixie? The front yards are filled with cars and other junk. The city looks so bad and no one enforces anything in Pequeno Guatemala west of Dixie Pixie!

  8. These comment have to be fake. Someone is messing with you.

  9. These comments are all TRUE dearie! Live in LW long enough and you will find it all happens to you too! A lot of people here do not care and do whatever the hell they want to like all this parking on lawns or dogs on the beach, it happens everyday here dearie! And the city doesn't enforce a damn thing!

    Anonymous said...
    These comment have to be fake. Someone is messing with you.
    July 19, 2018 at 5:36 PM
