Monday, July 9, 2018

The Lake Worth politician

This is the problem as I see it.

People are willing to believe anything about anyone. And if someone gives you their resume that they have been developing for years and tells you how their life experiences should qualify them for an executive position, then they are A-OK according to some.  As long as you are registered with the party, you can do no wrong with your party members. This is like believing that John McCain is really a Republican because he says that he is and is registered as such.

Commissioner Scott Maxwell is a registered Republican voter here since 1989 and serving his 6th term with Lake Worth as a city commissioner. It's really difficult to over-throw an incumbent. A term used to be two years and is now three. He is now a big shot with the Republican Party of Palm Beach County.
  • First of all, he never comes to the local Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County meetings. He came before his election and admitted that he had not been there in two years. Although local elections are non-partisan,  he stated that they are indeed partisan. He wanted endorsements and a campaign contribution, which he got because he is a Republican. And he's the one who started this national party involvement here years ago with the former Republican chair, Sid Dinerstein,  backing him. And ironically, he showed up at the club this past Thursday for the first time this year..
  • On April 17, 2018 and on a 5/0 vote, he voted with the majority, three of whom are Democrats, on a proclamation to make Lake Worth a "Welcoming City," the same thing as a sanctuary city. We used to worry about anarchists in our little city and their stand on Arizona 1070. Now we have to worry about globalists, liberals, socialists, open border people, phony Republicans, etc. This is a shameful proclamation, representing the illegals over American citizens and the U.S. government. Standing up for Republican beliefs is normally a requisite but it wasn't displayed in this case.
  • A few years ago he lobbied every local government around our city to destroy John Prince Park to give 100 acres to a billion dollar corporation, the Atlanta Braves. He was enthusiastically willing to throw an entire neighborhood under the bus, a neighborhood that is in his district, along with the tens of thousands of people who utilize this park.
  • And speaking to or returning calls (he has at least 4 phones) from anyone who has opposed him--forget about it.
Now, he has been elevated to Executive & Political Director of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. It's bad enough for a Republican to win in Palm Beach County as registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by over126,000. And it's sad to have to call out a fellow Republican and an elected official for not standing up to party ideals..

The question for the day is--What is Scott going to do for conservative principals? Is he only a Republican in name only? What will he do as Political Director for the Party?


  1. What happened to border Control Now?

  2. Gosh you used a photo of scott that looks old, he looks a lot heavier and older now than in this photo.

  3. Not to mention he is supposedly Catholic, but he goes to church sometimes, never with his wife or family, and doesn't seem to support or practice the Catholic principals of law and order or an end to abortion and the death penalty.

    When are you going to realize Lynn that they are all a bunch of hypocrites?

    Sounds like you are finally getting there with this post.

  4. he is a joke, taking a huge salary and DOING NOTHING!

  5. What has he done about all the crime and blight in this city in all these six terms? Why does the city look like hell and have so much crime scotty?

  6. McCain is an honorable man, an American Hero, and an old-school republican, like many of us. The party has changed around trump. Maxwell has not made conservative decisions from the dais and should have voted agains the welcoming city thing. welcoming is not the same as sancturary - there is no protection of undocumented immigrants in this city, PBSO can ask them anything and call ICE at any time. It was just a ploy by hardie to make nice with the democrats that was pissed when he endorsed maxwell over sara. the other dems just followed along like maxwell. was the mayor there for that vote?

  7. @11:00am...that's the photo he submitted to the Republican Party of PB County.
    @11:02...this is one Republican, one among millions, that did not vote against the Sanctuary City idea. I'm "not getting there with this post." One RINO won't deter me as it is you liberals that are the hypocrites. No doubt.

  8. @11:35...the mayor WAS there for that vote 5/0
    Sarah would have voted for it too but I expect more from Republicans such as Maxwell and Triolo as Scott has said that local politics is no longer non-partisan. If he truly believes that and not just going
    along with the majority,then reflect that in the vote.

  9. This officially makes him a Party official.
    Being a non-partisan Commission, does this in any way violate the Lake Worth Charter?

    Asking for friend.

  10. don't know how this guy can loose a computer and phone when he lost a few years ago then gets voted back for the crime here don't forget scott is the one that fought hard for the sheriff to take over and he had code under control.thats why I have not voted for him.he lies to your face then does what he wants.but someone in this town puts him in.maybe we should call the Russians to help out

  11. scott,cm,assistantcm and another commisioner having coffee at restaurant this tat ethical
