Monday, July 9, 2018

President Trump is right--again!

Supreme Court Says Foreign Nationals Have No Due Process Rights Here

Contrary to what the liberal media and open-borders advocates say, immigrants are not owed same constitutional protections as regular Americans.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news! Seems logical too, why would someone who broke the law to enter another country have any rights at all for entering a country illegally?

    When our government and police at any level do not uphold our rights here and the law about illegals it makes good law abiding citizens lose respect for their government. All police from local to ICE should be cracking down on everybody who is here illegally. When I school knows or think children's parents are illegal they should contact the authorities too. No more sympathy and pass the buck on ANYONE!

    Plus, no one who ever enters the USA illegally should ever have a pathway to citizenship ever, never, ever ever!
