Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Remembering who is Boss

When we have a complaint in Lake Worth, we always hear from folks that we are a representative democracy and as such, if we have certain gripes about how our elected officials decide on issues, we have the right to vote them out...that is all we can do. Voting someone out is not as easy at it sounds. Basically, they are telling us to stop complaining and go with the flow--a reason why so many voters get disenchanted believing that they can't fight city hall.

That was Mac McKinnon's political philosophy years ago. He couldn't stand anyone disagreeing with him. He was wrong then and anyone believing it, is wrong today. But we see it happen all of the time. It's the favorite thing for politicians to tell you when they don't like something you have said.

Once elected, politicians often allow their personal interests and biases to interfere. Cara Jennings was one of the few who seldom allowed that to happen.  At times. there are so many outside influences for politicians that directly affects how they vote.

A primary one in Lake Worth is about who helps finance the campaigns--corporations and industry groups, developers, labor unions, single-issue organizations, and certain individuals looking for favors. You need money to run for office and now that campaign contributions have doubled, more influence is being generated. If someone gives you $500 or $1,000, you are less likely to screw them in a vote.

This chart shows you who is the boss--it is the Resident of Lake Worth.  It is copied from the Audit for 2017, page ix. Commissioners need to remember this. Just because we voted for you does not mean you don't have to listen.


  1. I agree with you Lynn. mac was horrible as a commissioner, he never wanted to be bothered or do anything about all the problems. Most never did. Even that old manager Wendy Newmyer, she was the worst. They never want anyone to complain or bring a concern to them and when you do, they never do anything about it. The city is a joke and has not changed at all in 20+ years. still completely ineffective, blighted, crime infests, and the same incompetent elected now.

  2. I never vote for incumbents!

  3. "Once elected, politicians often allow their personal interests and biases to interfere. Cara Jennings was one of the few who seldom allowed that to happen."

    This one was priceless. Cara didn't bring her bias?????

    Just like all sleazy politicians, she had and promoted her agenda.

    We are all still paying for it now. Not just financially.

  4. @7:55. There were a few decisions where we disagreed--leasing our landfill to Sun Recycling but the entire commission voted to do that and her vote to bring in the Mentoring center. The Mentoring center is now gone, NOT thanks to the present commission and our land fill is now filled with solar panels, thanks to members of our present commission.

    Cara did not bring the illegals here nor did she have any say about that as it was and still is a federal issue. She was a commissioner under Obama. so when yu say she "promoted her agenda," what was that exactly?

    She voted the will of her constituents and was the one who saved resident decal parking at our beach. She was against a high rise downtown and wanted to preserve our assets for the people.

  5. And further to the illegal alien situation, it was this commission that just recently voted to make Lake Worth a 'Welcoming City," the same thing as a Sanctuary City, in my opinion. This commission exacerbated the situation all by themselves and for the most part, look the other way to the slum, the blight, the crime and housing code infractions.
