Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Illegal Immigrants Are A Greater Threat To Elections Than Any Meddling

The total number of illegal immigrants in the United States exceeded 44 million in 2016.

According to research conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigrants will comprise upwards of 15 percent of the population by 2023. That’s only five years away.

Read this... and the stats on illegal immigrants. It's sad to realize that liberals will compromise our country just for a vote.


  1. Bad info, Lynn.

    Non-partisan FAIR says 12.5 million.

  2. Does anyone even really know the exact number of illegals here? I doubt it and I think it is a lot higher , closer to the 44 million or more. You see it and feel it in all parts of this country, in every city and town. They need to strip all illegals of any rights, send them back, and never let one person into this country illegally and if any are, never let them have a pathway to citizenship, ever, never ever ever!

  3. Did you see in the news that there are some school districts in CA that allow parents to vote on school issues if they have kids in school, even if they are here illegally?

    This is nuts!

    No illegal here should ever be allowed to have a pathway to citizenship or vote ever here in this country, ever, never ever ever!

    Then law enforcement and our government do not have any respect for them. Crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!
