Saturday, July 7, 2018

Quote of the Day - Rep Louie Gohmert

“It’s a call for anarchy. And, it’s amazing that it has caught on and has been spreading even among what were thought to be mainstream Democrats. I mean, it’s insane. If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country. And, when you’re a welfare state like the U.S. has become, it is just a giant sucking sound from all over the world.

You can’t control it, and it means anarchy. It means might makes right and then that, ultimately, leads to a totalitarian dictator coming in and rounding up the military, taking over. It’s the way countries end, and a new dictatorship begins. You call for anarchy, and then you get a dictator.”

~ Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)


  1. Good point, it is crazy here today. I don't even want to go out and rive about, before you know it, it will be like Chicago here with all these shootings and drivebys and crazy lawlessness. Who wants to even go west of US 1 anymore or into the hood? The lawlessness has gone overboard, will they ever get a handle on it? We all have to pray, that is all that is left. No one wants rules or laws anymore, anything goes. Even living in a condo now with rules, everyone just does what they want and no one respects the rules or enforces them. It is a crazy world. Where can you go to live today to have peace?

  2. There are normal places in the world. You just have to get out of Palm Beach County and South Florida!

  3. Yes, maybe so, Lake Worth is not one of them. After living here for over 20 years, learned that. Too many illegals, renters, addicts, and welfare cases. Cazenovia NY is pretty nice.
