Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Message from Rick Scott

Senator Nelson has given Floridians yet another reason not to trust him and has shown once again why it is so important that we get your help to defeat him in November.

Nelson has a long history of supporting tax increases and healthcare mandates — but he has branded his staff as “independent contractors” to avoid providing his team with health care benefits or paying payroll tax.

Payroll tax especially is a massive source of funding for Medicare and Social Security, two programs that Nelson claims he's fighting to protect.

It seems as though the Senator is all for expanding healthcare access and Medicare benefits, just as long as it doesn’t affect him.

Bill Nelson expects Floridians to believe he will act in our best interests, yet he refuses even to take care of his own staff. How can Nelson justify raising our taxes, when he is finding ways around paying his own?

The answer is, he can’t. It’s wrong, and it’s why I need your help to defeat him in November:
Such blatant hypocrisy could only come from a career politician, and Floridians deserve better. If we’re going to change Washington, I’m going to need your help. We must start by getting rid of Senators who think they are above the very laws they create.

Please support Team Scott, and let’s show Nelson how to win an election the right way.

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