Sunday, June 24, 2018

What public schools are teaching!

Public schools aren't just teaching the ABCs. They're also subjecting children to Islamic indoctrination under the guise of learning about world religions.

But one Christian dad wasn't about to take that lying down. And now his battle is heating up.

Read about it... at WND


  1. Gosh clicking on that Link Lynn caused a real problem with my computer, spyware alert and all, was a real pain to get out of and fix.

    This is horrible. Maybe the Muslims didn't like that article and put some kind of hex on that website/link. Wow!

    I agree in schools, they should not push any one religion, we are not supposed to with a separation of church and state, so why did they allow this. The father has the right to be upset and question all of this.

    Why do some liberals or Muslims think we all want to convert to their crazy religion of violence and oppression of women among just a few faults?

    This is all wrong and I think it just keeps getting worse. I am keeping my Christian faith, not switching to Jewish nor Muslim no matter what they all say. Pelosi is supposed to be Catholic and Christian, but you wouldn't know it they way she acts at all and she supports abortion, yet Catholics do not. She is a hypocrite and hater, not a true Catholic.

  2. It caused problems on your pc? World Net Daily--I am very surprised that you had malware with it. Sorry. None on my pc. Peculiar.
