Sunday, June 24, 2018

Border Patrol Agent Educates CNN Host With Facts


  1. Good video and honest. I wish CNN would show more of this and explain the risks and educate all these immigrant to not send kids alone or do this or put them all at risk here. Is it greed on their part to live in a better country and make more money here than in El Salvador?

    I wish all networks did what Fox did showing President Trump meeting with all the US parents who lost their children to illegal immigrants who killed their US kids here and were illegal, I never saw CNN or NBC or any but Fox show this and all those parents speak out to why we must stop human trafficking and illegal immigrants coming into this country.

    I think that this is just helping to gain momentum to most sane people who want law and order and who can read between the lines of what CNN or the liberal dems are doing here. Most of us see through it and want law and order and for this human trafficking to STOP! Kids and all. Anyone coming into this country illegally, human trafficked or whatever, should never be allowed to get a pathway to citizenship, ever, never ever. This should be the strict law they impose on anyone trying to come into the USA illegally.

  2. The host just wanted to put words in his mouth, control him and the interview. I am glad to see he didn't allow it and spoke the truth of how things really are on the ground and how he is supposed to uphold the law.
