Saturday, June 30, 2018

Voter Fraud

Democrats are always telling us that there is no voter fraud and then in the same breath, they are constantly crying that asking for an ID is discrimination or meant to deter voters. What a lot of hog wash. According to the Heritage Foundation, there have been 1,132 cases of voter fraud with 983 criminal convictions.  Here is the list of Florida Convictions.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Tuesday that authorities arrested a non-citizen for her alleged role in a voter assistance scheme during a 2016 border city runoff election.
Read about it...

And then again in Texas--
A Texas county has been hit with a lawsuit for concealing records in relation to non-citizens on voter rolls."
Read about it...

In January, President Trump said: "As Americans, you need identification, sometimes in a very strong and accurate form, for almost everything you do.....except when it comes to the most important thing, VOTING for the people that run your country," Trump tweeted. "Push hard for Voter Identification!"


  1. There is so much voter fraud. I heard on the Spanish news of a lady who was here in the USA on a US Green card legally, but she said she was a citizen and voted and got caught and then she lost her green card and was deported back to South America. People just do not get it, but they are so desperate. They are so full of hate toward President Trump, yet they call him the racist or hateful one. He just wants law and order and to uphold all and do what he said when he ran. WE want law and order here, we want only valid alive US citizens voting and there is no reason why anyone who is a citizen cannot show their license or ID to prove who they are to vote, I do not see why this is wrong and unacceptable. Absurd more like it. Stay on their asses Lynn!

  2. In Florida, there were 3 in 2017 and 3 in 2015, none in 2016. Hardly the millions trump and the GOP like to claim. only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner.

  3. Well, Florida has a suffrage law here. You have to be a citizen to vote.
    Don't know why you are defending illegals voting in our country--that IS what you're doing.
