Saturday, June 30, 2018

Clinton campaign official arrested for Child Rape

Well, it's a big country--there are slime balls everywhere and who is to know what they are doing in the privacy of their own lives. You can't vet everyone as thoroughly as you would like.

According to the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman stated –
“Joel Davis started an organization devoted to stopping sexual violence, while allegedly engaged in the duplicitous behavior of sharing explicit images of infants engaged in sexual activity. Davis also allegedly solicited an undercover officer – whom he thought to be a willing participant – to send s******y explicit videos of his nine-year-old daughter, and even to set up a sexual encounter between himself and a two-year-old."
But guess what's worse--"He also actively (or formerly) was involved in the campaign to elect Hillary Clinton for President.

From her husband to her close friend Harvey Weinstein, to her best friend’s husband, Anthony Weiner – it is like a parade of disgusting anti-woman, child abusing sickos in her close, close circle. Absolutely abhorrent, but sadly “typical” of the type of person Hillary is known for associating with. [RightRedVideos]


  1. she is a witch and this is what a coven does

  2. Gee , a two dollar whore who supposedly had a one night stand with Trump years ago was front page news for months. Wonder if this will make the front page anywhere?

  3. Just accusations, right, Lynn? Innocent until proven guilty, right, Lynn?

    While he waits for his day in court he should consider running for Senate in Alabama. The Republican Party will support him I bet.

  4. One, the link to your right wing news site takes you no where.

    Two, his link to the Clinton campaign consists of a picture of him wearing a Hillary button.

    Sheesh. Slow news day, Lynn?

  5. 9:08...the link now works.
    No, not a slow news day--there is so much crap going on in this country it will never be slow. I just wanted to "get to you" Hillary supporters. :)
    Everyone is innocent until proven guilty...just reporting the facts, anonymous @8:57. And Roy Moore was defeated in Alabama even though none of the vulgar allegations were proven. So, I guess all Republicans don't elect some people as you so snidely imply.

  6. Um, Lynn, the Republican Party all the way up to the White House supported Roy Moore's candidacy. The people of Alabama rejected him.

    It's amazing the lack of knowledge, the absence of intellect that roams this blog.

    Here's an idea for something to write about: 5 journalists were killed in their newsroom 4 days after the President of the United States told a room full of people that journalists were "the enemy of the people." Seems like something that might make some good blog material.

  7. What I think is amazing is your undying loyalty to Crooked Hillary and the lying Democratic party along with the Fake News Media. Keep it up--you guys are falling way behind the eight ball. We plan on preserving this democracy in spite of you.

  8. Crooked Hillary is not the only dem, remember the aid to Debbie W-S? Another crook, so much corruption with all these politicians. Who can you trust?

  9. There's no comparison with Roy Moore here, no babies or children were involved.No comparison unless you like your news filtered,censored and forever colored by Clinton's loss.

  10. Hey 8:57-what is the Clinton body count up to? How many trips to Epsteins "pleasure island " did Bill and Hill take? How many Dick pics of his "mini me" did Huma 's(Hillary right hand woman) husband send out to underage women? How much child porn masquerading as "art " do the Podesta's own?
