Thursday, June 14, 2018

United Nations--a total waste

UN sides with Hamas against Israel in Gaza clashes

The UN General Assembly rejected a US proposal to condemn Hamas and accepted a Palestinian initiative to censure Israel for its actions defending its border with Gaza in recent months.

The U.S. amendment had 62 countries agreeing with us, 58 against with 42 abstentions. To pass, it needed a 2/3rds majority. All those countries that abstained should be ashamed.

According to Google, "Each year the United States gives approximately $8 billion in mandatory payments and voluntary contributions to the United Nations and its affiliated organizations. The biggest portion of this money – about $3 billion this year – goes to the U.N.'s regular and peacekeeping budgets."

Read about it...


  1. The UN has condemned the United States for taking children from their parents when the come to this country legally seeking asylum. We've lost our credibility and leadership in the world.

  2. Credibility only challenged by freeloaders, Democrats, haters, and losers. Build the Wall. NO one wants to take children from their parents but parents and coyotes need to stop bringing children to our border and illegally entering our country..
    Sarah Sanders said: “The separation of illegal alien families is the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close and these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade, and the president is simply enforcing them.”

  3. Come on, Lynn. Our world allies are not free loaders or democrats. We have a trade surplus with Canada and a deficit with Russia. Children being taken from their parents is NOT the democrats, it is not law, it is not sanctioned by the bible. this is Trump and Sessions. Dont give this a pass, dont make excuses. You can still support him and not approve of this.

  4. Placing these children with sponsors is a policy that dates back to the Obama administration. Google it.
    Illegals need to stop using children to enter this country and Democrats need to stop supporting this practice. they also need to sign the Republican bill on border control, DACA, etc. and stop playing political games.
    We do not have a trade surplus with Canada. In fact, Trump wants to get rid of all tariffs but coutnries have been taking advantage of us for decades.

  5. Illegals are abusing their children for their own gain by bringing them to our border.Why can't they band together to make their own countries great again. I have yet to hear of a Democrat offering shelter to anyone.

  6. The Obamas have plentiful space for illegals in their many huge houses.

  7. The UN is in support of a terrorist organization,a drain on our country. They should move in with Angela Merkel.

  8. There is no law that requires immigrant families to be separated. The decision to charge everyone crossing the border with illegal entry — and the decision to charge asylum seekers in criminal court rather than waiting to see if they qualify for asylum — are both decisions the Trump administration has made. Obama administration only housed children who came through the border unaccompanied. You can google til your blue but you're only reading the fringe sites that tweak the truth to your liking. This is serious. Certainly, this is one area where we can all agree. This is beneath the United States and against all of God's teachings.

  9. Sorry, illegals all need to be stopped at the border. It's a shame that parents are using their children to get into this country illegally. "I wish the pro-life community would get as upset with ripping a child from his mother's arms as the community does over ripping a child from his mother's womb."
    STOP THEM ALL AT THE BORDER and allow them to enter LEGALLY.
