Thursday, June 14, 2018

Enrollment in Food Stamps down

The numbers of Americans on SNAP has been reduced under President Trump.

"The number of America’s enrolled in the the nation’s food stamps program dropped in March to the lowest level since 2010," says the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

 It's due to an improved economy under President Trump and low unemployment as well as the program's goals.

Read about it...


  1. I saw a guy today at Kmart complaining that our government doesn't give him enough money to live on. Jeez! Why don't these people work, get jobs, plan for their future, and not think they have to freeload off our government. I am so tired of all these people that have become such victims, how pathetic to think the government is supposed to support them, whatever happened with individual responsibility today? There are just too many people like this, so sad!

  2. I saw a young, able female at a convenience store loudly bragging about finally getting her foodstamps loading up on junk food. She was already chubby.
