Wednesday, May 30, 2018

President Trump cracking down on Illegals


  1. Frontline on PBS had a very biased program on last night about illegal immigration and the ms-13 gang which was one sided for sure.

  2. Very smart to hit them where it hurts. The wallet. Plus it saves the US taxpayers money wasted by Obama and his wife.

  3. glen beck this morning.illigal arrested after being deported twice caught tampering with evidence where wife is buried in leaves and child still missing.everybody loved this guy

  4. Nope not giving any more money to PBS now! Their Nightly Business Report show is done by CNBC and is also biased it seems. They also make a lot of spelling errors for TV.

    They show only one side, but most Americans want only legal immigration, no more lawlessness and illegals, Americans are fed up with it, like the video you sowed us last week on a lady from CA.
