Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hogg - The Bully

The face you would like to smack

The kid is being promoted by the liberal left. He is against the Constitution, blames the NRA for school shootings, feels empowered by all the liberals egging him on, goes after Publix for a campaign donation to Adam Putnam and then Publix decides to suspend political donations. He went after Laura Ingraham on Fox News. Now he wants a "die-in" at a Trump hotel.

Hogg wants the age of gun ownership upped to 21 but in 47 states, the age of majority and the age at which a person has the legal rights and responsibilities of an adult—is 18. You can vote at age 18. If you are considered legally responsible at the age of 18, then why up the age for certain gun ownership? Why listen to the bully kid at all?


  1. Well, at least you’re not hoping he’d get run over by a car. A cop was just suspended for posting that on FB.

  2. Well what they are doing to Roseanne Barr now is sad. I loved her new show and wanted it to come back another season. I hope maybe Fox picks it up. Today you cannot say anything without someone criticizing you, jokes and all, she is a comedian. Look at all that Alex Baldwin did to Trump on SNL, yet he can go on, why are they harder on women than men? Not fair. Hogg gets away with a lot too, yet poor Roseanne doesn't.

  3. "The face you would like to smack."

    Careful, Lynn. Be very careful.

  4. Why doesn't he do this to STARBUCKS? ? Double standard.

  5. You're a Christian, Lynn?


    Go to hell.

  6. Christians don't go to hell. Change your politics and get on the winning team. LOL.

  7. There are bully's in all settings today, in the workplace and home. We have a lot of them on my condo BOD where I live and several at work too who are elitist and think they are better and smarter than all the rest. The egos many people have today is enough to drive you crazy! Ego, power, and control, it will corrupt you and often makes many people not like you once they find that bully mentality in you. There are so many bullies today!
