Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Peterson's disgrace earns him a hefty pension

Scot Peterson, disgraced Parkland school cop, starts getting $8,702-a-month pension

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Whether he gets his pension or not is really not worth discussing. He has to live with his actions for the rest of his life.

    The bigger question involves the large amounts of money now being "found" to hire more armed police for the schools.

    Scot Peterson just proves that may not be the answer.

    There are unarmed people who run TOWARD a shooter. I feel very bad for the families who lost loved ones in Parkland, but this reaction is way too swift and not thought out enough. The blame rests solely on the shooter. A desensitized sociopath disgruntled kid. If Parkland had two armed deputies, or how about 4?
