Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mueller will not indict the President says Rudy

Mueller told Trump's legal team he will not indict the president, Giuliani tells Fox News

President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, told Fox News on Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller has told the president's legal team he will follow Justice Department guidance and not seek an indictment against Trump.


  1. Great news. What’s Michael Cohen up to?

  2. Trump is also not a target.

    Woo hoo. Eat it libs. We got away with one. Live with it!

  3. Mueller draining the swamp one indictment at a time, 5 guilty pleas so far more to come. It’s a good day for the American people we’ve been scammed by these swamp creatures making side deals stealing from us. Time for term limits and mandatory retirement age, hit the road on speaking tours, do consulting and write a book or two anything but represent special interests!

    13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

  5. Hillary next one to be indicted? The hole thing was contrived by Top dirty cops--All of it was made up. Just like Rush Limbaugh says, "It was simply created to permit an investigation, just like Comey telling Trump the dossier existed served as the mechanism to get the media in the clear to report on the dossier. This thing is more fake… This whole investigation is more fake and more phony — more connived — than you could possibly imagine."

  6. Witch Hunt Update:

    -19 different witches have been charged with 100+ criminal counts
    -4 witches pleaded guilty before charges were made public
    -13 witches are Russian nationals
    -4 witches worked for or w/Trump campaign

  7. Whole thing a Witch Hunt. It's easy to get tripped up by Democrats out to get you. It's now all unraveling. No collusion. No obstruction. Just a matter of time. Sure hope they go after your gal, Crooked Hillary.
    A Nothing Wendy Burger, Wendy.

  8. At 11 PM, Lynn's Democrat neighbor bangs on her door, "Lynn, there's a fire. You have to leave!"

    Lynn yells through the dark, "You're lyin', Lib. There's no fire. I read Powdered Wig tonight and they told me that the chances of a condo catching fire are super low. You lost the election, Loser. Get lost!"

    Lynn's goes back to sleep. The sirens don't wake her. The building heat does nothing to disturb her. As the smoke fills the room, Lynn sleeps, thinking how she owned that stupid Lib who was telling her a bunch of crap.

  9. 11:23--obviously it's way past your bedtime. You write an anoyymous post like this? Coward. But I know who you are.
    Last night, I was at a mass, a memorial for someone who recently passed away. It was very sad. To wish death on anyone because of an opinion is pretty sick unless that person is ISIS or someone like that.
    If this blog disturbs you to this degree, which it does, that you have to wish death on your neighbor, then I invite you to go elsewhere. Liberals and their mean nasty snark are not welcomed here.
    Oh, and be3come a fiction writer. You are not living in reality being a Democrat.

  10. Why don't Democrats realize how much they suck?

  11. Lynn, I'm sorry. I thought you had enough sense to understand what a metaphor is. My error. *rolls eyes*
