Thursday, April 26, 2018

Will James Comey go to Prison?

Probable Cause Exists That Comey Committed Criminal Espionage Says Expert

Lawyer and legal expert, Robert Barnes, says there is probable cause that James Comey committed criminal espionage against President Trump and that charge carries a 10-year prison sentence. When Comey left the FBI, he took his memos with him.

The problem is those memos belong to the government. He also said it doesn’t matter if the Justice Department had a chance to classify them yet because the moment he wrote about his meetings with the president, they were automatically classified.

Read the rest of the story... by Steven Ahle at Steadfast and Loyal.


  1. Why isn't Trump doing anything to protect himself? Fire Mueller. Fire Sessions. Arrest Comey and the other FBI top brass. Lock them up and throw away the keys. We don't need them to help run the country. Trump can and will make America again all by himself. And if you don't like it, you can join Comey, Killery and everyone else in jail.

    Either you MAGA or you don't. There is no in between.

    Can I hear an Amen??

  2. Trump has said from the very beginning of the witch Hunt, there is NO Russian collusion. He's, so far, letting it play out. The Democrats will end up with egg on their faces.

  3. Just WHO is going to arrest any of these criminals like,Comey,Clinton,Clapper,Brennan and the rest? Not Sessions.Certainly not Rosenstein(He's a criminal just like McCabe,Mueller Comey and the rest).

  4. Duh...Trump is President, anon, and can order the arrest of anyone that he thinks has broken the law. Why he hasn't done this with Comey is beyond me, but it's just a matter of time. We have been urging Trump to lock Killery up for years and I'm not sure what he's waiting for. This blog and the real news media needs to start putting pressure on Trump and his generals to start taking some real action.
