Thursday, April 26, 2018

Municipalities need to leave Gun Control to the State, Feds

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
April 26, 2018

Leave gun control to the state, feds

Time for the petty city council boards to accept that gun control is not part of their agenda. State law limits their powers very specifically, so learn to deal with it and get on with life.

Enough waffling around when a group wants to control assault or assault-style rifles, simply because their book club decided it would be a good project to get behind when they probably would not recognize a real assault weapon if they met it on the street.

Good intentions, perhaps, and they are aware that incumbents are so worried about winning the next election that they will agree to their requests, but not a threat they are likely to ever face at the pool deck.

Let the councils worry about local infrastructure needs, which are certainly abundant enough to keep them busy, and let the state and federal lawmakers handle gun control.



  1. Amen, Roger.

    Let's trust they will heed your advice.

  2. Can someone please read this aloud at the next city commission meeting??? AMEN!
