Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Deplorable woman who says she is a comedian

Totally attacked our President -- Glad the President did not attend. Her routine was unkind and uncouth but not as bad as I thought it would be. Her attack on Mike Pence was outrageous as well as her attack on Sarah Sanders who was sitting at the dais, an invited guest. Roasts are out of control today.


  1. It's just locker room talk. Give her a mulligan. Just get over it.

    You voted in a president who was taped sneering about grabbing women's private areas, makes fun of women's looks by calling them fat or ugly, gives demeaning nicknames to people he doesn't like, and calls people liars and says they should be arrested or locked up....among other things....and you're going to be upset about a comedienne who cracks jokes at a function where it is tradition each year to crack jokes about whoever is running the show.


  2. I voted for a man who is doing a great job for this country. This event in Washington DC used to be primarily for scholarships for would be journalists...Now it is just odes to liberals with most of the $$$ spent on the event itself--They say that its primary mission is to advocate for openness and transparency at the White House by bargaining for access to events--the press pool, for example. Nice thing the idiot did to Sara Sanders last night. Real trash as many in the room are. The "comedian" did not get that many laughs nor applause because she was crude and rude.
    Trump stands up for himself and the American people. Try standing up for America.

  3. The validity of the function of the event is a whole other debate.

    The issue you brought up is the words of this comedienne. And what I'm pointing out is that a man that you voted for says the exact same things (some people would argue far worse things) and you think he's presidential material.

    The hypocrisy that is shown by Trumpsters is so ridiculously flagrant it's laughable. What's even more laughable is for you to not to see it or make excuses for it like you did above.

    Personally, Michelle's style of humor is not my thing. But neither are the raunchy and disgusting things Trumps says. To okay one and criticize the other is blatant hypocrisy.

  4. Let's get something straight--Michelle was not the least bit humorous. In fact, what the liberals are doing in America is not the least bit funny either. Not cute and certainly not endearing.

    To compare this loser to the President is what's laughable and hypocritical. Donald Trump is not just presidential material--he IS the president and doing a damn good job. Sorry you don't like his personality but Michelle, who has ZERO personality you seem to think is A-ok and her disgusting act was tit-for-tat. Hardly. What a stretch.
    For her to come down on Mike Pence is disgusting too just because he believes in traditional marriage.
    Could you please take your Trump hate somewhere else?

  5. the only thing laughable with3,27 is that they call themselves smart.better go back to school you twit.YOU LOST!!!!!!

  6. Guess you haven’t seen Comedy Central's roast of Trump?

  7. Mike Huckabee said, The WHCD was supposed to celebrate the 1st Amendment. Instead they celebrated bullying, vulgarity, and hate. They got all dressed up so they would look nicer when they had a hired gun savagely attack their guests.

  8. Lynn, Obama took it for 8 years and somehow survived. I'm sure Trump and his supporters are just as tough. But maybe not.

    Trump called a POW a loser and the world kept turning, even for the POW.

  9. Lynn, settle down.

    I'm not comparing Michelle to Trump. I'm comparing their words. Being president doesn't give a person license to be a rude, obnoxious boor.

    It's real simple stuff.

  10. You calm down—we will always disagree on president So, take a hike!

  11. I honestly come here to try to figure out whether there is any logic to how you think. But there never is...and once you run out of anywhere to go with your nonsensical arguments you throw out some inconsequential put down or engage in name calling and bail.

    America has lost a whole generation to this crazy's just sad.

  12. LOL--I find zero logic in how a liberal thinks. Guess we're even. It is only liberals who engage in name calling for the most part. The generation that is lost are those being taught by left wing professors and those who believe in killing babies and those who want no borders, etc.and so forth and so on. Don't follow any logic there.

  13. So basically what you're saying is that a comedienne shouldn't stoop to the same level as a POTUS.

    Got it.

  14. Sorry--you have nothing but a warped attitude. To even put that woman on the same par as the President of the United States is sick.
    I am not going to post your comments again.
    Get lost.
    bye, bye.

  15. Obama took WHAT for eight years? A serious ass kissing from everyone in the press? Please! The liberals just can't stop flashing us with their true intentions. They might as well all be wearing easy-open trench coats.

  16. What if Sarah Sanders were black and more than a size 2? Would she still have been attacked? Dumb question. This is hypocrisy at the highest level. This dinner should be cancelled for good. Why should correspondents have this? Especially now that their candidate lost and they remain very biased.

  17. you guys must eat fux news talking points for breakfast lunch and dinner. Puke them up and eat them again. Get a grip and a clue

  18. ALL talking points are on MSLSD. If Ms Sanders were a lady of color she wouldn't have been targeted like this, and she'd get a pass for being more than a size 2. The "jokes" wouldn't have been cultural, racial or personal.
