Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Attack on our Constitution

Some in congress, other than all Democrats, want to protect Robert Muller and his Witch Hunt. No Trump/Russian collusion has been proved but Democrats are hoping that something, anything, might stick. The Democrats only needed one Republican but they got four.

[FrontPageMag] Four Republican senators voted to protect the Clinton-Mueller coup effort. The bill would prevent Mueller or a special prosecutor from being fired without, effectively, the approval, passive or active, of a Federal judge.

This is giving federal judges more power than anyone in the country, even the president of the united states.
The bill, sponsored by Tillis and Graham (R-S.C.) with Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Christopher Coons (D-Del.), would codify Department of Justice regulations that say only a senior Department of Justice official can fire Mueller or another special counsel.

It would give a special counsel an "expedited review" of their firing. If a court determines that it wasn't for "good cause," the special counsel would be reinstated.

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