Saturday, April 21, 2018

The attempt of an Illegal Alien activist to Demonize the Right - Laura Ingraham cuts his mic

Laura Ingraham's guest, Enrique Morones, was rude and mocked her on her own show...even bringing up David Hogg. Morones didn't do anything for his cause but be obnoxious.

[PowderedWigSociety] When immigration activist and lover of illegal immigration Enrique Morones (great name for a liberal weenie “moron”) gets nasty, insulting Laura Ingraham, telling her he is glad David Hogg let her come back on the air, then insulting Laura’s other guest, California candidate for governor, John Cox, she takes the gloves off, reading the leftist loser the riot act, then cutting his mic and his camera. He simply disappears. Now, if she can just make all liberal weenies disappear so easily.


  1. Glad she cut off his mike. I've been waiting for this when he smirks and interrupts constantly. Trust this will have been his last time other show.

  2. And she's the one that always telling liberals to "Shut up and ____."

    Seems to be a common trait with the Right that they like to sling it but when people start giving it back to them, they can't take it. Sounds like someone I know.

  3. Did you watch this segment on her show? I watched the entire episode the night it aired. This guy was rude from the get-go. And all he gave were the same old sound bites as to why illegals are just wonderful.
    If one is going to have a discussion, both sides have to be civil but it is a common trait of the LEFT to be rude and obnoxious. He was a guest on her show and she was pretty nice under the circumstances he put her under.
    No one needs to put up with CHIT.

  4. Lynn, she tells people to "shut up and _____."

    I agree with you about people being civil but when you have a person like Ingraham who makes her money being rude and antagonistic, how can she expect people to be civil to her?

    I find all the time that the people who hurl insults, use bad language and taunt people are the first ones to claim that they are victims and blame others for being the unruly ones.

  5. 8:46am say hello to your friends MS13 for us.

  6. @11:42--It's her show! Of course you would find her rude because she is a Republican. All Democrats hate the opposition.
    The point here was that Morones was invited on to DEBATE the subject, not be antagonistic.

  7. Morones is Spanish for Moron isn't it?

  8. Some people need to be told to SHUT up like 11:42am so we can all hear the truth.
