Saturday, April 21, 2018

DNC desperate - Suing Russia and Trump Campaign

Democratic Party files suit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign, and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 election

The suit asserts that the Russian hacking campaign — combined with Trump associates’ contacts with Russia and the campaign’s public cheerleading of the hacks — amounted to an illegal conspiracy to interfere in the election and caused serious damage to the Democratic Party.

The DNC is desperate as no one can find collusion against the President. Now they're after Wikileaks  accusing them of conspiring to disrupt the 2016 presidential election along with the President's son Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner. The DNC says Russia found a "willing and active partner" in the Trump campaign to attack American democracy and defeat Hillary Clinton.[CNBC]

Read about it.... The Democratic party is proving more and more every day that they are the only obstructionists to our democracy as the President continues to remind them. Now they're looking stupid to boot. Perhaps the DNC should sue Tom Perez instead for bringing more harm to the Democratic party.


  1. YOU LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The DNC is a joke but you have to admit that the Kushner's are a creeps.
