Friday, April 6, 2018

Sid Dinerstein speaks to Republican Club

Last night, Sid Dinerstein was the speaker at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County.

He touched on politics in his own city of around 50,000 in Palm Beach Gardens and their ballot issues, his lawsuit and the results. I was particularly interested in David Levy trying to become a council member again and the outcome of that as he fought us tooth and nail on Florida Hometown Democracy.

One of the more interesting things talked about was the race for Florida governor primary between Adam Putnam and Ron DeSantis. Mr. Dinerstein said that Roger Stone is behind the recent attack ads against Ron DeSantis. Why?  Because of the sugar industry.  DeSantis opposes taxpayer subsidies to big sugar and he voted against the farm bill. "The sugar candidate in the governor's race is clearly Adam Putnam. Agriculture commissioner Putnam is so closely aligned with the industry he would be comfy wearing candy wrapper suits," says the Tampa Bay Times.

Personally, I like both candidates and Adam Putnam is against sanctuary cities.  President Trump has endorsed Ron DeSantis.

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