Friday, April 27, 2018

Diamond & Silk Testify before Congress regarding Facebook

At 25:54, Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee quizzes Diamond & Silk on getting money from the Trump campaign. Diamond and Silk Go Off On Rep Sheila Jackson Lee: "Don't Try To Mix My Words."

These gals held their own.


  1. They also perjured themselves.

    Lock them up!

  2. Read up on it--they did not perjure themselves. Jackson Lee thought she had caught them. LOL

  3. Richardson then explained that the amount in question represented a reimbursement for plane tickets that the two purchased to fly from New York to Ohio, so they could participate in the “Women for Trump” tour.

    Richardson added that they did not ask to be reimbursed, but Lara Trump had directed the campaign to do so. They were merely paid back for their out of pocket expenses.

    They were NEVER paid to help Donald Trump in anything they did.

  4. You're right. Their plane tickets were paid for and they had to claim it as income on their taxes...but, no, they were never actually "paid."


    In your research did you run across the information that they were actually paid for cutting a commercial for white supremacist Paul Nehlen?

  5. The inference of the question was if the Trump campaign paid them for appearing here there and everywhere although not specifically stated that way. It didn't. They explained this ticket reimbursement. They have been paying ALL of their expenses to stump for Trump and not receiving money from any one or any group.
    Next, don't know anything much about Paul Nehlen but obviously you are obsessed with Alt-Right's like I am about Alt-Lefts. No one cares about Nehlen---even Paul Ryan beat him last time around. The Republicans will come up with a better candidate. Can you even imagine anything so ab absurd as Diamond & silk knowingly supporting a racist?

  6. How sick it is that SNL writers and Baldwin haven't been called to testify for their divisive "comedy" as well. Diamond and Silk have cause to complain.. The sneaky left media type of racism is obvious here. WHO funds and supports SNL? It's overdue for cancellation.

  7. Only in America can you make a great living mocking and ridiculing the President of the United States. Alec Baldwin should be thanking president Trump every day of his life. Miserable SOB.

  8. Only in America would someone be so uninformed of what’s happing in foreign countries, here’s a small sample of political mocking and ridiculing from Europe: Charlie Hebdo, France & Monte Python in Great Britain, made a decent living mocking and ridiculing, many more in Holland, Nigeria, not many in Rossia but they do have a strong, good leader that is liked by some in America.

  9. And your point is?
    You love to let everyone know that you are the sharpest knife in the drawer and that you are well traveled. Woopie do.
    Why not start being supportive of our country and our president. You live in the greatest country on appreciation.

  10. 3:56pm has no point. From the way the post is written I'd guess: foreigner. Go home.We aren't those other countries, and don't need to look elsewhere for behavior.

  11. "Only in America can you make a great living mocking and ridiculing the President of the United States."

    Oh, c'mon now. Trump mocked and ridiculed Obama's citizenship for years and he became President!

    Anything is possible!

  12. Trump didn't mock Obama. He told the truth and continues to bring up his lousy record.

  13. Lynn, do you ever have trouble finding your way home because, seriously, your memory sucks.

    Trump and every Republican out there spent 8 years photoshopping, joking about and ridiculing Obama. Please....

  14. First you talk about Trump and the Obama birthier situation. Now you're on to every Republican alive.
    You have your nasty comment for the day. Now go out, have fun, jog on the trail, do a tax return, whatever. Be happy.

  15. Forget Obama he had the press and media in his back pocket . That's what divedes us to this day and don't think he didn't plan it that way.8 years of a president who lied about who his father was, maybe he didn't know.

  16. This "comedy" is hypocrisy at the highest level and on one side we're ordered to be PC. No fat shaming, women on put
    On pedestal, ( adult film "star" not porno queen) and certainly nothing racial. UNLESS its not a liberal then they let the dogs out. Here we have another ambitious nobody making the media drool.
