Friday, April 27, 2018

Atlanta Appellate Court stays lower court's ruling on restoration of felon voting rights

Al Sharpton: 'We Are Going to Turn on the Light in the Sunshine State'

If Al Sharpton wants felons to be able to vote in Florida, than I have a big problem with the entire idea and will have to study it further.

Originally I signed Jo-Ann Golden's petition one night down at the Cultural Plaza to restore the voting rights of convicted Florida felons. I was hesitant but the rationale for me was, if you've done your time than you're rights should be restored. It was a black and white decision for me. I didn't think it through enough.

Even though the ballot amendment made exceptions for murder and rape, it is a known fact that most criminals re-enter the prison system. For the most part, they do not get rehabilitated. There are consequences from committing crimes that violate the rights of others and one consequence should be the restoration of voting rights. Voting is a privilege that should not be taken lightly..

According to Sunshine State News, "We have an estimated 1.6 million convicted felons in Florida and we are one of a few states that do not automatically restore voting rights to felons who have completed their sentences. An estimated 600,000 felons could have their voting rights restored if voters approve the measure, which will appear on the November ballot as Amendment 4.

The ruling Wednesday from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals handed Gov. Rick Scott and the other members of the Board of Executive Clemency a decisive victory by blocking a federal judge’s order that would have required the state to overhaul Florida’s process of restoring the right to vote to felons by yesterday."

Read about it...

Liberals love this as it's all about picking up registered Democratic voters.

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