Thursday, April 19, 2018

City of Lake Worth's Charette on the beach complex

The city wants you to bring your questions and ideas to the meeting.

My only question is, Why do you continually want to screw up our beach and spend millions? A parking garage built into the dune? We just spent $5 million on the upper and lower level parking areas. It's easy to spend other people's money. We just spent $6 million on the casino. This is a beach park and the city is determined to make it into a commercial enterprise.


  1. Before they attempt a boondoggle construction project to ruin the ambience of our beach park with a garage, it would be a good idea for the upstairs restaurant space to be finally waterproofed and rented.

    It has sat empty for 7 years resulting in a loss of nearly a million dollars in potential rent.

    Please start creating revenue rather than spending and taxing us citizens.

  2. Why don't they just simply repair our pool and get it open? I know this Commission and city manager are so stupid that they can barely find their way out of a public toilet,but enough is enough.Taking ocean front property and views and putting a fuc4ing PARKING GARAGE there??? Who would be dumb do that? I guess the same people who thought it was OK to put an ugly, square,squat $hit box in the same place.

  3. OPEN THE POOL! Like now.

  4. Can we just have our pool back? Scott and Herman want it moved and want to spend the penny sales tax, millions of dollars.

  5. Stop the bleeding at our beach. Move the pool to where more people will use it. Make our valuable beach front NOT lose money. What is so hard to understand?

  6. Stop the BS at our beach. Leave the pool where it is and market it and attract swim clubs, etc. and perhaps it will pay for itself. The city purposely has allowed our pool to "lose" money. Bornstein has wanted it yanked out of there ever since he was hired.
    What is so hard to understand that repairing our pool, locker rooms and bathrooms is the best option. Instead these commissioners want to spend MILLIONS to move it and redo the beach.
    IT'S INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Pouring good money after bad is not a good idea. The pool is not historic. It has no sentimental value. It was a money loser long before Bornstein came here and we hired him to make decisions based on what is good in the long run for the city, not what is best for the 50 people who use the pool annually.

    The original pool was salt water and located behind what is now Mulligan's. There was also a time that bath houses at the beach were all the rage. Times change and we don't have shuffle board tournaments or badminton leagues anymore. People actually have pools in their own back yards. (hard to believe, I know)

    Why not build it on the park property they wanted to sell for housing at the North end. It would draw from the neighborhoods in West Palm as well as being more accessible to our own residents. You don't go to the BEACH to swim in a fresh water pool and have the privilege of paying $2.00 per hour to do it. THAT'S insane.

  8. The pool has been essentially in the same location since 1922--behind the casino. No, it may not be historic now, but we have had the pool at the Casino for 96 years and that IS the sentimental value
    We don't need bath houses but locker rooms are appropriate.
    What makes it special is the fact it is at the beach!
    As far as parking goes, many residents buy decal parking stickers, so they don't have to feed the meter. If you're a tourist, you don't mind spending a few bucks for parking. You're on vacation.
    The only reason there is a small number of attendees is the fact that the city will NOT market the pool--haven't in many years. It used to be well used.

  9. If you’re a tourist you don’t drive to the beach you swim in the hotel pool and or the ocean, that’s the whole point on going on vacation.

  10. Thanks for your input on tourists and what they like to do!

  11. We need to focus on getting the Lake Worth Pool open. Without a successful pool there is no way to expect that Lake Worth can properly complete a 40 million dollar street project.

  12. Unfortunately the pool is not fiscally responsible. We can't just "get the pool open" and "hope it makes money". Some due diligence will tell you that it will NOT be profitable let alone pay for itself. A simple google search on the cost of operating public pools will answer any questions you have. LW is not the exception to the rule. Frankly, LW isn't in the position to be spending any large sum of money on any new project when too many existing parts of the city are sub par and need to be improved. The existing structure at the beach needs a solid business plan to get it bringing in the MOST amount of money for the LEAST amount of investment. I guarantee this will never mean build a parking garage. Maintaining structures in the city like the beach complex, will bring in private development. We don't need major renovations or to build anything new. As private development slowly improves and the tax base grows, only then will LW be in a position financially to take on a big expensive project like building and/or renovating something that will NOT be generating enough income to support itself like a public pool. It's not personal, I like pools, it's just responsible. Did LW let the pool deteriorate to the point of no return? Yes, but that doesn't matter now. We just need to move on.

  13. The figures I heard to just "fix" it so that it can re-open is half a million dollars. $500,000.00

    So if we spend that amount, we can resume losing about $300,000 per year.

    All of the reasons to re-open it are emotionally based. All the reasons to close it and/or re-locate it are fiscally and intellectually based.

    The charette is a charade. It is put on so they can say they got public input. It will change no one's mind. The best outcome is that they piss off half the residents.

  14. Nothing intellectual about spending $2 to $6 million on a beach complex when all you have to do is fix the dame pool including the bathrooms there.
    Market it. Gee, the mayor has a PR company. Hire her.
    People love our Olympic pool.
    Start showing some fiscal responsibility instead of figuring out ways to spend money we don't have or the sales tax, OPM.

  15. How about the funds that were allowed for Puerto Rico, WHERE did it go? And the car allowance for commissioners who don't show up for meetings. Even condo by-laws require meeting attendance.

  16. They didn't have the funds--all that happened was Omari Hardy's push/grandstand to give hard-earned taxpayer dollars to Puerto Rico when our government had already given $34 BILLION, figure growing.

    As far as condo by-Laws, I would suspect that by-Laws are different in condo communities. I know of no requirement for attendance by the Board of Directors but nothing would ever gt done if they didn't show up. They are volunteers, unlike our city commission that is paid fairly well for (not showing up).

  17. True by-laws are different, miss 3 meetings in mine and you're (supposed) to be out.

  18. OK "Brain Trust", enlighten us on how much the pool can make and not be a burden on us, the taxpayers of Lake Worth? Even when fully operational, and with all the "marketing" Lynn can muster up, it will still lose somewhere between $100k and $300K per year, that people like you, Brain Trust, and the rest of us idiots have to pay.

    Good thing you have cute little names for all the decision makers and we will all lose if the pool is repaired and re-opened where it is, but you have proven to be the biggest loser.


    Your Idiot

  19. OK guys--enough of the "idiot" stuff.
    I just want to remind all of you who believe that our beach park has to pay for itself. It doesn't. It is an amenity. As such, taxes pay for it. It doesn't have to pay for itself any more than any other park does, any more than the Osborne Gym does, any more than Bryant Park does, the ballfields, etc. Just because Scott Maxwell has declared this a commercial enterprise and must pay for itself, doesn't make it so.

    It can, however, be managed better and anything would be an improvement from nothing. In actuality, it hasn't been managed at all. The city has allowed the pool asset and bathrooms to run down--their intent.

    The city now is going to allow developers, engineers, etc. to make money and you will foot the bill for MILLIONS. And who knows what else might be going on. This is such a ridiculous decision that I can't help but believe that there is more to this story.

  20. open the damn pool and promote it and see what happens.stop listening to scott and the bow tie .it doesn't sound like any of you have ever run a business.there are certain things to do first to get a good business up and running and the first thing is to get the trust of your neighbors.thats not happening here.even if you move it it wil never work.the bitching has to stop on both sides,im not for moveing the pool.the reasons I have heard for moving it are so febble I wonder if any of you went to school or were just hatched

  21. the mayor's cute little nickname is " let me eat" (free).

