Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Navy Chaplain

This is how bad the liberal agenda and politically correct crapola has permeated our country. "The Navy recently hired an atheist chaplain. America's military men and women deserve the right tools to do the job we've asked them to do. They don't need fake tools. And that includes being given fake chaplains.

The fireworks are over, the smoke has cleared -- here's how it ended."

Read about what happened...

1 comment:

  1. Fake chaplains? I wonder if they also got their degrees from unaccredited universities like our manager? Saying they have a bachelors degree that means nothing from an unaccredited university, especially religious ones that are only meant for ministry and religion. There are a lot of degree mills and online universities today, but if you look closely, many are not accredited, or if they are it is peer accreditation from other ministry universities that are not equivalent to state or national accredited universities. Don't get fooled folks by getting a degree paying all that money for a degree that has not legitimate accreditation. It is not worth it. I think it is sinful, that people use their fake degrees from unaccredidtated universities to expect high salaries and making a lot of money, when their degree it really nothing only from a degree mill with no accreditation backing. What is the point in getting a chaplain that is atheist? How much is he making?
