Sunday, March 25, 2018

God is going to clean house


  1. Sounds good to me! However, months before the presidential election we heard someone give a prediction that Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidency, but she didn't so, time will tell. I just don't know. What he says makes sense and a lot is true, but you just do not know. Things have gotten much better. What I would really like to see is more law and order and less mediocrity. I want peace along with quality and excellence in all here in our country, which we do not have today. There is too much lawlessness and people doing what they want with no regard for others and their neighbors, too much selfishness, ego, pretentiousness, a me its all about me generation. Laws are for everyone else. Then we have to deal with way to much mediocrity in our society, no one is about quality or excellence, look at most of our leaders, elected, managers, BOD's, society as a whole. Let God's will be done with the President, time will tell with these prophets'.

  2. Did mr trump go to church today, Palm Sunday? No, but he’ll go Easter Sunday, smiling for the cameras, Twitter something about Christian values. Sad!

  3. I don't know what the President did today. I didn't go to church today either but I will be going on Easter. So what? He doesn't do things for photo fact, I don't know how he does as much as he does and finds time for it all. Amazing.
    Stop being so critical. It really gets old.
