Friday, March 30, 2018

The devastating effect of Opioids

Almost 1 million prime-age Americans were dragged out of the 2015 labor force by Chinese-supplied fentanyl, Mexican heroin and U.S-made prescription opioid drugs, says a report by the American Action Forum, a business-first advocacy group.

The economic impact of this opioid drug disaster adds up to $91 billion in lost productivity during 2015, alongside 42,000 deaths in 2016, says the group, which also advocates for easier migration of foreign workers.

The report shows that 4 million prime American men and women — aged 25 to 54 — left the workforce between 1999 and 2015. The huge departure has been blamed on trade, on technology and the decline in blue-collar wages, and it accelerated in 2008 when the economy collapsed because of the government’s risky and bipartisan push to expand home-ownership.

Read more about it at Breitbart


  1. I have always said too that all drug users, abusers, and seller of cocaine are all to blame for the civil war and unrest and problems in Colombia too, that poor country has been torn apart due to drugs and the need for them here in the USA. It is all very sad, but when you see the poverty and also see all people who had to abandoned/displaced their homes and land in the countries due to all the FARC and killings, it has been horrible for a country and its people, all for all those druggies that needed the drugs and hurt this poor country. Drugs and the need for them have hurt many countries and people, all very sad in our world today. The coca plant has tons of medicinal purposes, and it was all abused to make it stronger, more potent, and more destructive in a country and in the world. How sad all these problems with drugs today in our world, likely the same hurt for all in Afghanistan and the countries where the poppy plant is harvested, all these hard drugs have destroyed our world and people.

  2. I have always had a hard time feeling sorry for drug addicts. Once you fall prey to hard drugs, you forfeit your value to the human race. I appreciate that caring groups do what they can for them, but it is a losing battle. Educating children not to begin using drugs may be of value, but it's questionable how education has any merit once you become a teenager.
