Friday, March 30, 2018

Nikki Haley sends Warning to Russia

Russia retaliates...


  1. Didn't Ted Turner have to pay our UN Dues about 20 years ago? Nikki, other than a big mouth, what do you have going for you? Do you think you are really a match for Putin? Is this a UN issue, or are you taking over other departments now? Shouldn't the President rein you in? But it doesn't really matter, you're a nobody, and when this administration is over, you will slink into oblivion. You are never going to be the President of the United States.

  2. must be some loser Hillary fan who really did have a relationship with Putin.
    Knock yourself tearing apart another strong Republican woman.

  3. AND JUST THINK, she's not an "old" white woman either.

  4. She's a perfect example of why people don't want a woman president. Nobody wants to listen to that mouth. To tell the truth, she is a lot like Hillary. Lots of hot air coming out, but nobody is listening.

  5. I know you love to argue but I want to remind you that REPUBLICANS ARE LISTENING. She's great at her job.

  6. There aren't enough Republicans in the world to elect this loud mouth. She'd actually do better in the Democratic Party.
