Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Quote of the Day - Michael Bornstein

..."just congratulations on the return of the three of you, mayor, vice mayor, vice mayor pro-tem...It's been a tremendous pleasure working with elected officials, particularly this body...It's a privilege to work here and with you and for you. I think we work well as a team...I truly believe the fact that you did get reelected and in many ways, is an affirmation of the direction you have been giving to this organization, to this city...

Your political footing is solid."

~ Michael Bornstein
City manager Lake Worth

Speaking about the recent elections of Maxwell and Triolo and the Trio in general.


  1. Michael, brown-nosing the commission. How he gets big fat raises.

  2. The town's "footing" is shaky, may they go the way of Jeff Clemens: all ambition no substance.

  3. Over 17,000 registered voters in Lake Worth. Less than 3,000 voted. Somethings very wrong here.

  4. Bornstein needs to behave like a neutral employee,not a giggling fan boy.
