Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Quote of the Day - Charlie Daniels on Hillary

“It must be hard to live in a bubble where everything that goes wrong in your life is somebody else’s fault, you have absolutely no control over your own destiny and you view the preponderance of your fellow human beings as mentally inferior and totally incapable of making intelligent decisions."

~ Charlie Daniels
talking about Hillary Clinton


  1. Shut up and fiddle.

  2. That bubble is called narcissism at least, psychosis at worst. They walk among us.

  3. I'm waiting to hear what Scott Baio or the Duck Dynasty guy's take on it is before I decide.

  4. Thanks, LD. Your humor is priceless.

  5. This is good advice for all of us and the millennials especially, no one today wants to take responsibility for themselves anymore. It is always blaming someone else or not taking responsibility or being respectful and considerate of our fellow human beings.
